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Computerization of personnel records

Modern production is impossible without new technologies that can significantly facilitate the exchange of information. E-mail, for example, allows you to send documents to different organizations regardless of existing boundaries, facsimile provides a fast and reliable way of negotiation, working with the Internet access to large information arrays.
Computerization of personnel records is one of the main conditions of the rational organization of record keeping procedures, means of enhancing the effectiveness of personnel services, factor productivity growth and efficiency of work managers.
The composition of hardware and software depends on the specific conditions of the enterprise, namely the size of production, number of staff, organizational structure, staff management, document scale, operational needs and retrospective information, degree of centralization of work with documents and more.
Mechanization and automation of personnel records must be made on the basis of document ordering system management activities, harmonization and reduction of forms of documents created within your organization.
Implement computerization is necessary at all stages of management, from document preparation, copying them, rapid reproduction, forwarding processing, recording and retrieval, rapid transportation, ending the control performance and reliable storage of documentation.
Some organizations have successfully used the system of personnel management PersonPro, which was created to automate business service management.
The main program features are:
1. Development of organizational structure.
2. Creating and modifying staffing organization.
3. Accounting, storage and retrieval of data on operational staff organization.
4. Creating an electronic version of the personal files of employees, personal card account workers (typical form number P-2).
5. Creating a database of candidates for vacant positions.
6. The formation of standardized document types (orders from hiring, dismissal from work, travel, holiday provision etc).
7. Formation of statistical reporting staff and personnel work.
8. Organization of accounting, storage, and quickly find internal, incoming and outgoing documents.
9. Organization mailing documents via e-mail.
The introduction of computer technology in the HR office can increase efficiency of staff personnel service, saving time spent on training and finding the necessary documents to strengthen control over the creation, maintenance and storage of documentation of staff organization.

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