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Головна » 2011 » Листопад » 10 » New Year 2012
New Year 2012
New Year 2012 here come here. All in full force preparing for the new year 2012. We must make a hot new years eve party 2012, so we had a good impression. What we expect next year? First of all I must say that today in 2011 was the year of rabbit, so at parties all wore costumes and masks rabbit. The new 2012 dragon new year, so it becomes more hot and so have to buy a dragon costume.

 This is according to the Chinese calendar. Chinese new year 2012 date is slightly different as our course calendar. So the new year dragon will celebrate January 23, 2012. In China, the calendar month, so there is such a difference. What to do in the Year of the Dragon? 

Perhaps China will be on the streets of paper dragons and bdut run kites in the form of dragons and China that are fairly common. By the way dragons is probably is not an invention, or they would not have enjoyed such popularity. 

What to wear to a 2012 the year of the dragon? In the year of the dragon will go down in fashion clothing with elements of green as green dragon, and because the dragon breathes fire, and it shall be fire-red dress will be popular and will symbolize the new year 2012

On the eve of new year should also arrange a hot party on the eve of new year. At the party will be well off to a happy and fun to start a new 2012. To midnight be happy to say "Happy New Year 2012". To all was well.

Переглядів: 648 | Додав: Dnister | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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