Головна     Економіка    Наука       Реєстрація   Вхід
Головна » 2011 » Лютий » 08
Finance companies as part of the financial system are a crucial place in the structure of financial relations of society. They function in social production, which creates a gross domestic product, tangible and intangible benefits, the national income - main source of funding. Therefore, the state finance companies will insure the satisfaction of social needs, financial stability of the country.Finances, as well as finance in general, inherent in some general and specific features. We must take into account also features caused by the operation of finance in different sectors of the economy. A common feature of finance companies is that they express a set of economic (financial) relations connected with the distribution of gross domestic product. Specific features of finance companies express money relations that depend on the initial distribution of gross domestic product, the formation and use of receipts and decentralized funds. Features finance companies due to their operation in v ... Читати далі »
Переглядів: 1150 | Додав: Dnister | Дата: 08.02.2011 | Коментарі (0)

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